On Tuesday December 23rd IFC’s “Media Project” wil have a four minute segment featuring The Yes Men’s role in the New York Times Special Edition.

On Tuesday December 23rd IFC’s “Media Project” wil have a four minute segment featuring The Yes Men’s role in the New York Times Special Edition.
Through Nov 23rd, the New York Times Special Edition is part of Unrest: Art, Activism, & Revolution at the Helen Day Art Center About the →
The New York Times Special Edition will show at Generator Projects in Scotland. FORM.PERFORM.REFORM Opens 5th September 6th to 28th September, Thurs-Sun Generator Projects 25/26 →
The New York Times Special Edition will be included in “…Is This Free?” …Is This Free? is NURTUREart’s 2012 summer exhibition series. Curated by Marco →
The following is an essay by Sam Gould written for The Present Group‘s to accompany the edition of “I Want You To Have This”. I →
False Documents and Other Illusions, looks at the various ways in which contemporary artists approach the idea of trompe l’oei, lillusion, or fooling the eye. →
From the Art In America website: Brazen critics of the art establishment William Powhida and Steve Lambert dominated the booth for the Charlie James Gallery →
Rachel Dry | Washington Post I could use more self-control. That’s one New Year’s resolution, anyway. Luckily, I am a Mac user and self-control is →
Thanks to Raffi Aghapekian for being available for the news crews. Check out Self Control →
Ben Marks reviews the show at San Jose Institute of Contemporary Arts for KQED Public Media for Northern CA: Inside, we are greeted by a →
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