The New York Times Special Edition is included in a new book, “Is Satire Saving Our Nation? Mockery and American Politics” by Sophia A. McLennen and Remy M. Maisel, published by Palgrave Macmillan

The New York Times Special Edition is included in a new book, “Is Satire Saving Our Nation? Mockery and American Politics” by Sophia A. McLennen and Remy M. Maisel, published by Palgrave Macmillan
Through Nov 23rd, the New York Times Special Edition is part of Unrest: Art, Activism, & Revolution at the Helen Day Art Center About the →
The New York Times Special Edition will show at Generator Projects in Scotland. FORM.PERFORM.REFORM Opens 5th September 6th to 28th September, Thurs-Sun Generator Projects 25/26 →
MediaImpact: International Festival of Activist Art Festival presentation, talks and debates 16 November 2012, 7:00pm 34 Stuyvesant Street, Barney Building (Between 3rd and 2nd Avenues →
The New York Times Special Edition will be included in “…Is This Free?” …Is This Free? is NURTUREart’s 2012 summer exhibition series. Curated by Marco →
The following is an essay by Sam Gould written for The Present Group‘s to accompany the edition of “I Want You To Have This”. I →
False Documents and Other Illusions, looks at the various ways in which contemporary artists approach the idea of trompe l’oei, lillusion, or fooling the eye. →
On 11 November 2008, a fourteen-page special edition of the New York Times mysteriously appeared on the streets of New York. Its headline, “Iraq War →
The Anti-Advertising Agency with Dara Greenwald and Josh MacPhee are in an exhibition this weekend in New York. The group show includes the AAA’s Samaras →
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