The January 2009 issue of Harper’s Magazine featured an editorial listing several headlines from The New York Times Special Edition.

The January 2009 issue of Harper’s Magazine featured an editorial listing several headlines from The New York Times Special Edition.
From the Art In America website: Brazen critics of the art establishment William Powhida and Steve Lambert dominated the booth for the Charlie James Gallery →
Rachel Dry | Washington Post I could use more self-control. That’s one New Year’s resolution, anyway. Luckily, I am a Mac user and self-control is →
Ben Marks reviews the show at San Jose Institute of Contemporary Arts for KQED Public Media for Northern CA: Inside, we are greeted by a →
On 11 November 2008, a fourteen-page special edition of the New York Times mysteriously appeared on the streets of New York. Its headline, “Iraq War →
Opening Night, Thursday March 5th , 6-8pm On view at RISD|Public Engagement, 2nd Floor, CIT Buildling, 169 Weybosset Street, Providence, RI from March 5 thru →
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7TH, BLUESTOCKINGS BOOKSTORE, 7:30PM As the new age dawns all over us, we feel that now is an opportune time to take a →
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