Steve Lambert

wrote a book!!!

Add-Art: New Museum May 22nd

As part of the release of Add-Art, I will be on a panel with other Rhizome Commission winners, Evan Roth (of Graffiti Research Lab) and Ben Engebreth, eteam, and Rafael Rozendaal.

Add-Art is the web browser plugin that replaces advertising on the web with art from a curated database. I have been working on with a team of volunteer open-source developers off and on for the past year. As with most open-source projects it’s a work in progress — for example you’ll notice the site is rather plain — but we’re preparing for a more public announcement Friday.

Rhizome Commissions 08
Conversation with eteam, Steve Lambert, Evan Roth and Ben Engebreth, and Rafael Rozendaal

$6 members, $8 general public

The Rhizome Commissions Program was founded in 2001 to provide support to emerging artists working with new technologies. The forty-four works commissioned to date represent some of the most innovative, pioneering efforts in the field. Tonight, artists eteam (Hajoe Moderegger and Franziska Lamprecht), Steve Lambert, Evan Roth and Ben Engebreth, and Rafael Rozendaal, who received support in the 2008 cycle, present their finished projects as well as other select projects. Additional Rhizome Commissions will be presented in August and October.

2008 Commissioned projects:

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