Third in a series of drawings (see series one and two) with Julia Schwadron. All the signs are →
Packard Jennings and Steve Lambert asked architects, city planners, and transportation engineers, “what would you do if you →
A work of art and you can drink your coffee with it. As part of the exhibition and →
DIY Budget Gallery is an online resource for organizing guerilla outdoor art galleries. Between 2000 and 2005, the →
I just published step by step instructions on how to match fonts and mimic designs to look like →
On September 15, 2007 Ronald McDonald, who had fallen in love with the food of New York and →
WhyTheyHate: The Source Code is free software which loads random flickr images designated by a tag into a →
The Quick and Dirty Low-Tech Ad Buffer is an improvised tool I made to reach high places with →
When I do stuff I arguably “shouldn’t” be doing, I prefer to do it in the light of →
More drawings made in collaboration with Julia Schwadron. All the signs are made 1 day prior to placing →