These are instructions from another project, I Will Talk With Anyone About Anything. The list is for when people have no idea where to begin – sometimes they are in a little bit of shock. As innocuous (and admittedly boring) as the list is, it works surprisingly well as a bouncing off point to all kinds of other subjects. See I Will Talk With Anyone About Anything for more.
Yearly Archives: 2007
Transamerica and Aerial Tramway Prints Available
I’ve made an edition of prints using drawings from the “Wish You Were Here: Postcards From Our Awesome Future” posters. The prints use details from the posters; the Transamerica building and the SF MUNI Aerial Tramway. They are in an edition of 10 and use an archival giclée process. I’ve been working on this over the past few weeks and I can say without hesitation that they look great and exactly as I hoped.
If you’re hoping for prints of the *whole* poster designs, hang tight. We’re working on prints of the posters and they will be available as soon as possible. While in the past the opportunity to buy my work only presented itself every couple years, this year will be different. Packard Jennings also has an upcoming show at Catherine Clark Gallery which will include our drawings from this series. Details on this will be announced on the email list, not to worry. Requests? Questions? Just ask.
“What about desktop wallpapers of the Transamerica print?” I have that.
SF MUNI Aerial Tramway | Print
SF MUNI Aerial Tramway
11″h x 17″w
archival pigment print on acid-free archival grade Hahnemüle fine art paper using UltraChrome inks
edition of 10 with 2 artist proofs signed and numbered by the artist
Transamerica Floating | print
11″h x 17″w
archival pigment print on acid-free archival grade Hahnemüle fine art paper using UltraChrome inks
edition of 10 with 2 artist proofs signed and numbered by the artist
$180 – email with questions
Call for Interns
The Eyebeam Labs are looking for interns. Personally, I am looking for some interns experienced with video, OR web, OR general research who are also interested in the themes I work in. Know anyone? The official call is below. Contact me at eyebeam –
Video Intern
Steve Lambert ( and the Anti-Advertising Agency ( are creating a series of editorial documentary shorts on advertising, marketing and public space. Would you like to hone your motion graphics, design, and animation skills? Develop your talent for representing abstract ideas visually? Would you like to do so without working on mindless projects for the commercial world? Submit a resume, letter of interest, via email or mail and video work samples via url.
Research Intern
The Anti-Advertising Agency ( is looking for research interns interested in collecting information on advertising, marketing, and public space. Past interns have had the opportunity to create editorial content for the Anti-Advertising Agency site. Students or recent graduates of writing or media studies programs welcome. Experience with wordpress, wikis, and image editing a plus. Submit a resume, letter of interest, via email or mail
Podcast Intern
Eyebeam is looking for a talented videographer for an exciting and rewarding experience creating a bi-weekly video podcast documenting the various projects being developed at Eyebeam. Responsibilities may include: sitting in on brainstorming sessions twice a month, shooting video or screen captures of artists work, pulling footage from the extensive Eyebeam video archive to include in the podcast, editing the video using Final Cut Pro.
This position has the potential for creative freedom and development for the right person. Great for someone looking to develop a reel working on what promises to be widely viewed podcast in the arts and tech community.
Experience in media or journalism a plus.
Web Design & Development Interns
We are looking for several web design and development interns who have experience ranging from some CSS, to PHP coding. We will be working as a group to help give you the skillz that are relevant so you can help make the great projects that come out of our labs. We will be focusing a fair amount on WordPress and Drupal (administering, themeing, customizing and building modules) in order to create sites that document projects fluidly, as well as help build online communities around several of eyebeam’s initiatives. You will be working primarily with Jeff Crouse, Steve Lambert, Michael Mandiberg, Addie Wagenknecht, Jessica Banks, and Zach Lieberman. Submit a resume, letter of interest, and one to three URLs via email.
Speaking at Centre de Cultura Contemporà nia de Barcelona

Next week I am flying to Spain to participate in NOW Meetings in the Present Continuous at the Centre de Cultura Contemporà nia de Barcelona. I’ll be on panel with Richard Sennett (via videoconference) and Pierre Humeau and our event is on Friday November 30th, 2007. If you know anyone in Barcelona, send them my way.
Update: here’s a photo from the talk. I also posted the talk and some links as a swf file on the Anti-Advertising Agency site.
Drawings with Julia Schwadron – Philadelphia
Third in a series of drawings (see series one and two) with Julia Schwadron.
All the signs are made 1 day prior to placing them in public spaces. Julia and I then walk around the city looking for places that might match the signs we have.
Exhibited as part of “For You, For Me, From Me” at Flux Space in Philadelphia.
Estonian Ekspress Interview
In late August the Estonian national newspaper, Ekspress, published an interview with me about advertising and public space. Merit Karise, the interviewer, has supplied an English version below.
As a result of this interview Merit was invited to give a “presentation about alcohol advertising and youth at a roundtable that took place in our Parliament on Oct 9th, and where MPs, the representative of our President and rep. of Chancellor of Justice took part.” Since then there has been talk about bringing her to the Economic Affairs Committee of Parliament where legal changes in alcohol advertising regulation can be made.
By the way, the article references my work as/with the Anti-Advertising Agency, and an interview I did with Rob Walker for Murketing’s Q&A section.
Interview for Estonian Ekspress, August 30, 2007 (Merit Karise, teacher of advertising and advertising critique at Tartu Art School)
You don’t paint on canvas and you don’t show two flickering TV screens facing each other in an empty gallery. Your gallery is the public space of cities and often you don’t give any sign to your viewer that it is art that she/he is seeing. Why is that?
I think there’s 2 reasons for that.
One, is that the white cube and “modern art” don’t come naturally to me. I grew up in my parents furniture shop and worked in garages though my teens and twenties. When I started art school, I had never been to a contemporary art museum. My creative background was punk rock, film and radio. When I made art, I wanted the people I knew to understand it – the people who worked with me in the motorcycle shop, or the friends and family I had. These were working class people more than “cultural class” people. I realize now that I walk in both worlds, but at the time I got started I was very much in the former. When I finally started going to museums, a lot of the work I just didn’t understand and it didn’t speak to me. (more…)
Wish You Were Here! Postcards from our Awesome Future
Packard Jennings and Steve Lambert asked architects, city planners, and transportation engineers, “what would you do if you didn’t have to worry about budgets, bureaucracy, politics, or physics?” Ideas from these conversations were then merged, developed, and perhaps mildly exaggerated by Steve and Packard to create a series of 6 posters for the San Francisco Arts Commission’s Art on Market Street Program (official press release).
6 foot tall by 4 foot wide prints
6 designs, each in edition of 4 (24 total)
Catalog Essay by Stephen Duncombe
If “politics is the art of the possible,” as the 19th century German Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck once wrote, then what sort of politics are Packard Jennings and Steve Lambert proposing with their posters? Movable skyscrapers. A martial arts studio on a BART train. Public transit by elephant back. Commuting by zip line. Transforming San Francisco into wildlife refuge. Turning a football stadium into a farm (and linebackers into human plows). Every one of these proposals for our “awesome future” is patently impossible. Urban planning is a serious business: the domain of accredited academics, trained technicians and pragmatic politicians. What’s proposed by Jennings and Lambert — artists, of all things — is not serious at all.
Read the rest of Stephen Duncombe’s essay written for the Wish You Were Here catalog.
Download 2000px tall png images (6.1MB file)
More on the project
Urban Visions Panel Discussion
A panel discussion about the future of San Francisco, Urban Visions, took place on February 4th, 2008 at the California College of Art. The panel was presented by the San Francisco Arts Commission and Livable City.
Steve and Packard would like to thank:
- Peter Albert SF Municipal Transportation Agency
- Prof. Nezar AlSayyad, Dept. of Architecture, UC Berkeley
- Prof. Timothy P. Duane, Dept. of City/Regional Planning & Dept. of Landscape Architecture/ Environmental Planning, UC Berkeley
- Drew Howard, SF Muni Light Rail
- John Peterson, Public Architecture
- Tom Radulovich, Livable City, BART
- Seleta Reynolds, Fehr & Peers
- Electric Works Priniting
- Stephen Duncombe
Prints Available
Smaller prints from this series are available both as a low-cost poster and a fine art edition through Catharine Clark Gallery in San Francisco.
Elements added to Open Clip Art Library
Print quality and thumbnail sized images of many of Steve Lambert’s drawings have been added to the Open Clip Art Library. All drawings on Open Clip Art Library are available for use and have been released into the Public Domain without copyright. Some of Packard Jennings drawings have now been added to the Open ClipArt Library as well.
Developed at Eyebeam:
IV Artist Multiple: Will You Marry Me Mug
A work of art and you can drink your coffee with it. As part of the exhibition and billboard intervention in August 2007, Invisible Venue has produced a set of Will You Marry Me mugs as part of their artist multiples series. The mugs are an edition of 100, and come with a Certificate of Authenticity (see below) signed by me. They can be purchased through Charlie James Gallery, preferably in sets of 4.
My hope is that these mugs would be used for everything from important business meetings to tea with the neighbor, to actual proposals. Get a few and sit around a table together!