Steve Lambert

wrote a book!!!


Laser cut case for HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sonar Sensor July 27, 2019

Laser cut case for HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sonar Sensor

This is part of a bigger project we’re working on for the Center for Artistic Activism. Everything is

Fight Back Pack #1 March 12, 2017

Fight Back Pack #1

Note: As of April 16, 2017, I’ve turned my focus to Fight Back Pack #2, if you really

FREE DESIGN: LIES February 07, 2017


Near where I live, the fans of conspiracies and Republican demagoguery have put stickers on the guard rails

Free Design: Respect is an American Value February 04, 2017

Free Design: Respect is an American Value

I designed this tonight as a 3×4 inch sticker and ordered 500. I literally took a line from

Co-op Bar Version 3 August 15, 2016

Co-op Bar Version 3

This summer I built the third iteration of the Co-op Bar while serving as visiting faculty at Sierra

May 05, 2009

Everything You Want, Right Now!

Solo show at Charlie James Gallery “EVERYTHING YOU WANT, RIGHT NOW!” April 25, 2009 to June 6 extended!

Lambert Brush Font January 02, 2009

Lambert Brush Font

This font is created from scans of hand painted 7 inch tall letters. The letter style is the

WPFolio: a WordPress theme for artists September 10, 2008

WPFolio: a WordPress theme for artists

WPFolio is a free WordPress theme designed specifically for visual artists. Visual artists who have a range of

August 19, 2008

Bright Idea Shade

Bare CFL bulbs give off harsh light. Soften it with the Bright Idea Shade. The Bright Idea Shade

June 07, 2006

Simmer Down Sprinter

Download a Quicktime version of the video. Simmer Down Sprinter is a two player, sit-down, arcade style video

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